Resetting WordPress Password through phpmyadmin – Lost WordPress password

Have you ever lost your WordPress administrator password and not been able to recover it through email?  This situation usually occurs when someone that developed you site set the admin account email to their own, then when they get out of touch for one reason or another, you loose admin control of your WordPress site.

To recover your password at this point you need the credentials to get into the control panel of you host(hostgator, bluehost, godaddy, etc…).

Once youi logged into the control panel, here are the steps to recover your WordPress password:

1. Go to phpmyadmin and first bake a full backup of your database.  Phpmyadmin is your graphic tool for touching your mysql database.  Whenever I start touching a database, they first thing I do is make a backup, it a must best practice.  Click localhost on top left, then click the name of your database, go tot he export tab and download the database in .sql format.

2. Go to this site: (other md5 decrypters will also work)
Enter the password you want in the input filed, click the MD5 button then copy the results, a longg text string.

3. Back in phpmyadmin, go the he structure tab of your database and click on browse.

4. Click the pencil next to the admin user to edit.  Paste the text string over what you have in user_pass Value field.

5. Click the go button on the bottom right.

6. Now you should be able to log into your WordPRess site as admin!


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